

Web monitoring and APIs test automation platform.

SaaS App

ApiBee Portal

Alt text

Docker CLI

Docker Pulls


  • Web uptime monitoring
  • SSL monitoring
  • Domain monitoring
  • DNS monitoring
  • API test automation
  • Functional testing
  • Sentiment validation
  • AI assertions
  • Sitemap validators
  • GitHub Actions Integration
  • Email notifications
  • Slack notifications
  • YAML & JSON configs
  • Secrets and variables
  • Tests dependencies
  • SaaS App
  • SaaS APIs
  • CLI tool
  • Available in docker
  • Maintenance window
  • Status page
  • Project badges
  • Tagging for tests suites
  • Online documentation

Quick start

Create a collection file with API requests to test.

JSON config

    "requests": [
        "url": ""

YAML config

- url:

Run docker image

docker run itbusina/apibee:latest -c "$(<collection.json)"

Run the example collection url

docker run itbusina/apibee:latest -c

Display help

docker run itbusina/apibee:latest --help

Run collection from file. (option 1)

docker run itbusina/apibee:latest -c "$(<collection.json)"

Run collection from file. (option 2)

If you would like to set the path to the file, make sure the path is visible in the docker image, in order to do that, mount a docker volume.

docker run \
          -v ./:/app/data \
          itbusina/apibee:latest \
            -c data/collection.json

Specify the license

docker run itbusina/apibee:latest \
            -c "$(<collection.json)" \
            -l $license

Run collection inline.

$collection = @'
  "name": "Dummy JSON collection 1",
  "baseUrl": "",
  "requests": [
      "url": "/users/1"

docker run itbusina/apibee:latest -c $collection

Run collections from multiple files

docker run \
          -v ./:/app/data \
          itbusina/apibee:latest \
            -c data/collection1.json data/collection2.json

Run collections from directory

docker run \
          -v ./:/app/data \
          itbusina/apibee:latest \
            -c data/

Run collection from URL.

docker run itbusina/apibee:latest -c

Run collection from URL with authorization and required http headers.

docker run itbusina/apibee:latest \
            -c \
            -h "Authorization: Bearer ghp_dsa987dsad67d8s6a876d7as" "User-Agent:ApiBee" "Accept:application/vnd.github.raw+json"

Run collection in parallel

docker run itbusina/apibee:latest \
            -c "$(<collection.json)" \

Run collection with multiple tags filter

docker run itbusina/apibee:latest \
            -c "$(<collection.json)" \
            -t smoke regression

Save report to output folder

docker run itbusina/apibee:latest \
            -c "$(<collection.json)" \
            -o output

Pass variables in collection

docker run itbusina/apibee:latest \
            -c "$(<collection.json)" \
            -v host=

Pass secrets in collection

docker run itbusina/apibee:latest \
            -c "$(<collection.json)" \
            -s login=admin,password=Welcome1!

Run collection 'N' times

docker run itbusina/apibee:latest \
            -c "$(<collection.json)" \
            -r 5

Run collection 'N' times with 1s delay

docker run itbusina/apibee:latest \
            -c "$(<collection.json)" \
            -r 5 \
            -d 1000

Run collection in loop with 'X' interval without exit

docker run itbusina/apibee:latest \
            -c "$(<collection.json)" \
            -i 5000

Display details about requests and responses

docker run itbusina/apibee:latest \
            -c "$(<collection.json)" \

Save details about requests and responses to the file

docker run itbusina/apibee:latest \
            -c "$(<collection.json)" \
            --verbose \
            > output.json

Display and save details about requests and responses to the file

docker run itbusina/apibee:latest \
            -c "$(<collection.json)" \
            --verbose \
            | tee output.json



Collection with base address

    "baseUrl": "",
    "requests": [
        "url": "/users"

Collection without base address

    "requests": [
        "url": ""

Collection with combination of base address and full url

    "baseUrl": "",
    "requests": [
        "url": "/users"
        "url": ""

Collection with dependant requests

Use name and dependsOn request properties to create a dependency between requests

JSON config

    "name": "Collection with dependant requests",
    "baseUrl": "",
    "requests": [
        "id": "auth",
        "url": "/auth/login"
        "dependsOn": "auth",
        "url": "/users/1"
        "dependsOn": "auth",
        "url": "/products"

YAML config

name: Collection with dependant requests
- id: auth
  url: "/auth/login"
- dependsOn: auth
  url: "/users/1"
- dependsOn: auth
  url: "/products"

Collection with sharing context between requests

Use context property of request to save the context. The key to the context is defined by name property. Define the type, it can be variable (default) or secret. Secret values are masked in the output. Use pattern property to define the regex for the value from response body to save to the context.

Use ${{ context.<name> }} to use context in further requests.

  "baseUrl": "",
  "requests": [
      "id": "auth",
      "url": "/auth/login",
      "method": "POST",
      "headers": [
        "Content-Type: application/json"
      "body": "{\"username\":\"${{ secrets.login }}\",\"password\":\"${{ secrets.password }}\"}",
      "context": [
          "name": "token",
          "type": "secret",
          "pattern": "\"token\":\\s*\"([^\"]+)\""
      "dependsOn": "auth",
      "url": "/auth/me",
      "headers": [
        "Authorization: Bearer ${{ context.token }}"

Collection with Tags

Tags are used to filter requests.

    "name": "Collection with Tags",
    "baseUrl": "",
    "requests": [
        "tags": [
        "url": "/users/1"

Collection with HTTP method

    "name": "Collection with http method",
    "baseUrl": "",
    "requests": [
        "url": "/users/1",
        "method": "DELETE"

Collection with http request headers

    "name": "Collection with http request headers",
    "baseUrl": "",
    "requests": [
        "url": "/users/1",
        "headers": [
          "Content-Type: application/json"

Collection with multiple API requests

    "name": "Collection with multiple API requests",
    "baseUrl": "",
    "requests": [
        "url": "/auth/login",
        "url": "/users/1",
        "url": "/products"

Using variables in collection

Use ${{ vars.<variable name> }} to put a variable in the collection.

    "name": "Collection with variables",
    "baseUrl": "${{ }}",
    "requests": [
        "url": "/products"

Using secrets in collection

Use ${{ secrets.<secret name> }} to put a secret in the collection.

    "name": "Collection with secrets",
    "baseUrl": "",
    "requests": [
        "url": "/products"
        "url": "/auth/login",
        "method": "POST",
        "body": "{\"username\":\"${{ secrets.login }}\",\"password\":\"${{ secrets.password }}\"}"


Use ${{ func.<function name> }} to put a function result in the collection.

All Supported functions

Function Name Description
${{ func.utcnow() }} Returns curent UTC datetime.
${{ func.random() }} Returns random number.
${{ func.guid() }} Returns new GUID.
${{ gpt-4o.text(100) }} Returns text from OpenAI API (GPT-4o) with 100 tokens.

Notes: make sure to specify the OpenAPI key and endpoint to use 'gpt-' function.

Function examples

Basic functions
  "name": "Collections with functions",
  "baseUrl": "",
  "requests": [
      "url": "/comments/add",
      "method": "POST",
      "headers": [
        "Content-Type: application/json"
      "body": "{\"body\":\"This makes all sense to me! Date: ${{ func.utcnow() }}, Guid: ${{ func.guid() }}\",\"postId\":${{ func.random() }},\"userId\":5}"
LLM functions

Currently you can use any OpenAI models and gemma:2b model from Ollama.

  "name": "Collections with functions",
  "baseUrl": "",
  "requests": [
      "url": "/comments/add",
      "method": "POST",
      "headers": [
        "Content-Type: application/json"
      "body": "{\"body\":\"${{ gpt-4o.text(50) }}\",\"postId\":1,\"userId\":5}"
      "url": "/comments/add",
      "method": "POST",
      "headers": [
        "Content-Type: application/json"
      "body": "{\"body\":\"${{ gpt-4.text(50) }}\",\"postId\":1,\"userId\":5}"
      "url": "/comments/add",
      "method": "POST",
      "headers": [
        "Content-Type: application/json"
      "body": "{\"body\":\"${{ gemma:2b.text(50) }}\",\"postId\":1,\"userId\":5}"


All supported validators

Validator Name Description
is-successful: true | false Validates if the HTTP response is successful or not. When bool value is true status code is checked to be in the range 200-299.
status-code: 200 | 301 | 404 Validates the HTTP status code of the response.
body-equals: keyword Validates that the response body exactly matches the provided keyword value.
body-not-equals: keyword Validates that the response body does not matche the provided keyword value.
body-contains: keyword Validates if the response body contains the text value.
response-time: number Validates that the response time is less than the time value in milliseconds.
sentiment: negative | neutral | positive Validates that the response time is less than the time value in milliseconds.
dns-dkim-exists: true | false Validates that the DNS has DKIM record.
dns-spf-exists: true | false Validates that the DNS has SPF record.
dns-dmarc-exists: true | false Validates that the DNS has DMARC record.
dns-dmarc-single-record: true | false Validates that the DNS has only one DMARC record.
dns-dmarc-strict-policy: true | false Validates that the DNS has DMARC policy set to reject or quarantine.
dns-record-exists: TXT:name:value Validates that the DNS has TXT record with name and value.
prompt: gpt-4o:keyword Validates that the response body text is keyword using gpt-4o LLM model.
sitemap-any-body-contains: keyword Validates that any page from all pages in sitemap contain keyword in the body.
sitemap-any-body-not-contains: keyword Validates that any page from all pages in sitemap do not contain keyword in the body.
sitemap-each-body-contains: keyword Validates that all pages in sitemap contain keyword.
sitemap-each-body-not-contains: keyword Validates that all pages in sitemap do not contain keyword.
ssl-expiration-after: 30d Validates that domain SSL certificate expiration date after 30 days from now.
ssl-expiration-before: 30d Validates that domain SSL certificate expiration date before 30 days from now.
domain-expiration-after: 30d Validates that domain name expiration date after 30 days from now.
domain-expiration-before: 30d Validates that domain name expiration date before 30 days from now.
domain-expiration-before: 30d Validates that domain name expiration date before 30 days from now.
tls-version-equals: Tls12 | Tls13 Validates that the connection can be established using Tls12 or Tls13 TLS version protocol.
tls-version-not-equals: Tls12 | Tls13 Validates that the connection can not be established using Tls12 or Tls13 TLS version protocol.

Validators examples

Validate Http Status Code
  "name": "Validate Http Status Code",
  "baseUrl": "",
  "requests": [
      "url": "/auth/login",
      "validators": [
        { "status-code": "403" }
Validate Http Body (Full match)
  "name": "Validate Http Body (Full match)",
  "baseUrl": "",
  "requests": [
      "url": "/auth/login",
      "validators": [
        { "body-equals": "{\"id\":1,\"body\":\"This is some awesome thinking!\",\"postId\":100,\"user\":{\"id\":63,\"username\":\"eburras1q\"}}" }
Validate Http Body (Contains)
  "name": "Validate Http Body (Contains)",
  "baseUrl": "",
  "requests": [
      "url": "/auth/login",
      "validators": [
        { "body-contains": "This is some awesome thinking!" }
Validate Response time
  "name": "Validate Http Body (Contains)",
  "baseUrl": "",
  "requests": [
      "url": "/auth/login",
      "validators": [
        { "response-time": "1000" }
Validate Response Body Sentiment
  "name": "Validate Sentiment",
  "baseUrl": "",
  "requests": [
      "url": "/comments?limit=1&select=body",
      "validators": [
        { "sentiment": "positive" }


GitHub Actions

Run tests in pipeline using docker image

name: Simple tests

    branches: [ "main" ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - uses: actions/checkout@v4

    - name: Execute API tests
      run: |
        docker run itbusina/apibee:latest \
            -c "$(<data/collection.json)" \
            -p \
            -o output \
            -l $license \
            > simple_test.txt

    - name: Archive output results
      if: always()
      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
        name: report
        path: simple_test.txt

Run tests in pipeline using github actions

name: Simple tests

    branches: [ "main" ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - uses: actions/checkout@v4

    - name: Test API 
      uses: itbusina/apibee-action@v0.1.15-alpha
          input_dir: ./test
          output_dir: ./output
          args: |
            --collections ./test/tests.json \
            --variables host=http://mynewapi:8080 \
            --output output \
            --license ${{ secrets.APIBEELICENSE }}

Example how to test api before deployment to production

name: Run tests before live deploy

      - main

    runs-on: 'ubuntu-latest'

    - name: Code checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v4

    - name: Log in to Registry
      uses: docker/login-action@v3.1.0
        username: ${{ vars.DOCKERUSERNAME }}
        password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERACCESSTOKEN }}

    - name: Build Container Image
      uses: docker/build-push-action@v5.3.0
        push: false
        load: true
        tags: mynewapi:${{ github.sha }}
        file: ./src/webapp/Dockerfile

    - name: Create Docker Network
      run: docker network create vnet

    - name: Run mynewapi in docker for testing
      run: |
        docker run -d \
          -p 8080:8080 \
          --name mynewapi \
          --network vnet \
          mynewapi:${{ github.sha }}

    - name: Test Mock API 
      uses: itbusina/apibee-action@v0.1.16-alpha
          input_dir: ./test
          output_dir: ./output
          network: container:mynewapi
          args: |
            --collections ./test/tests.json \
            --variables host=http://mynewapi:8080 \
            --output output \
            --license ${{ secrets.APIBEELICENSE }}

    - name: Build image and push
      uses: docker/build-push-action@v5.3.0
        push: true
        tags: |
${{ vars.DOCKERUSERNAME }}/apimock:latest
        file: ./src/webapp/Dockerfile

    - name: Archive output results
      if: always()
      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
        name: apibee test report
        path: ./output/